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This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! EmptyYesterday at 18:33 by Ev

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This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! EmptyYesterday at 16:31 by Ev

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This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! EmptyYesterday at 14:54 by Kotuku

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This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! EmptySat 1 Jun - 18:17 by Bold90s

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This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! EmptySat 1 Jun - 7:13 by Ev

» Mini Potty was not made by Crown Lynn, so who made them?
This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! EmptyFri 31 May - 10:59 by Ev

» Gillian Pope
This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! EmptyThu 30 May - 17:29 by sarabeee

» Crown Lynn 6058
This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! EmptyThu 30 May - 16:20 by Bold90s

» Crown Lynn Titian 1322
This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! EmptyThu 30 May - 16:07 by Ev

This has to be a 101. Orzel jug !

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This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! Empty This has to be a 101. Orzel jug !

Post  Ev Wed 18 Feb - 13:53

Quite a few years ago now hon-john sent this photo to the site thinking it was a Crown Lynn jug by Mark Cleverley. As there was no base photo I just posted it [somewhere].

This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! Mark_c10

Today I'm pleased to say that I found one the same and the glaze, the number, the dot after the number tell me that it was made by Orzel.  Do you agree?  The deep blue glaze has an oil slick look in the light ....

This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! 101_ju10

This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! 101_10

Number of posts : 17780
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! Empty Re: This has to be a 101. Orzel jug !

Post  mumof1 Wed 18 Feb - 15:25

Certainly looks like it to me, good spotting Ev.

Number of posts : 2360
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! Empty Re: This has to be a 101. Orzel jug !

Post  haselnuss Thu 21 Jan - 19:15

Yes, both are Orzel jugs.
I also think that hon-johns blue glazed jug looks just like my 3 blue mystery pieces we had a discussion about months back. I am still of the opinion that they were made by Orzel too.
I also think that the two small pots were made by Orzel.
Also the blue vases which are only slightly taller than the orange vase.
I have a look if I can track down the old topic. Found it.

This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! Dscn3510This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! Dscn3810
This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! Dscn3511This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! Dscn7428This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! Dscn3512

Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2012-09-12

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This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! Empty Re: This has to be a 101. Orzel jug !

Post  Ev Thu 21 Jan - 19:22

I agree with you haselnuss, now we need one other to agree and I will add them to the Gallery. The vase shape is a match.

Number of posts : 17780
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! Empty Re: This has to be a 101. Orzel jug !

Post  haselnuss Thu 21 Jan - 19:28

Yep, The vase was also exhibited at the new Papakura Museum.
This has to be a 101. Orzel jug ! Papaku15

Number of posts : 970
Registration date : 2012-09-12

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