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Looking for a small kiln.  EmptyYesterday at 10:59 by Ev

» Gillian Pope
Looking for a small kiln.  EmptyThu 30 May - 17:29 by sarabeee

» Crown Lynn 6058
Looking for a small kiln.  EmptyThu 30 May - 16:20 by Bold90s

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Looking for a small kiln.  EmptyThu 30 May - 16:07 by Ev

» Pottery ID please …Yes Royal Oak Margarine
Looking for a small kiln.  EmptyWed 29 May - 8:36 by Ev

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Looking for a small kiln.

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Looking for a small kiln.  Empty Looking for a small kiln.

Post  kaylie Mon 31 Aug - 0:10

I hope to fire metal clay high friendly and low fire

I also hope to fire clay mugs approximately 5"x4" (maybe both high fire and low fire?) or at least low fire...

Do you have advice on what kiln may provide both possibilities?

Auckland Based


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Looking for a small kiln.  Empty Re: Looking for a small kiln.

Post  Ev Mon 31 Aug - 7:35

An small electric kiln would suit.


Number of posts : 17774
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Looking for a small kiln.  Empty where to buy a small electric kiln

Post  kaylie Mon 26 Oct - 12:30

Hi Ev suggestions on where to buy an small electric kiln in nz? Thanks!


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Looking for a small kiln.  Empty Re: Looking for a small kiln.

Post  Ev Mon 26 Oct - 12:35

They are often listed on Trade Me.
The china painters kilns are rather limiting in temperature and space and are ok to use as a test kiln, so be aware of that.

Good luck Very Happy

Number of posts : 17774
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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