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Some New Lynn Bricks

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Some New Lynn Bricks Empty Some New Lynn Bricks

Post  krissiepearse Thu 9 Apr - 18:10

So, here we are in our home of 2 years in Henderson, Auckland. It was built in 1979, and we presume that the 1500 or so bricks that formed our undulating courtyard floor were laid at the same time. We've lifted them all up, and have been using them to build a retaining wall. Most are clearly quite old if unmarked, but a not-insignificant number of them are stamped.

Needless to say, having looked them up, I am now somewhat puzzled as to why we have so many bricks in our garden dating back a hundred years or more... or more precisely, what was here previously and/or how they got here.

History, huh?
Some New Lynn Bricks Jj_cra10
Some New Lynn Bricks Nz_bri10
Some New Lynn Bricks W_hunt10


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2020-04-08

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Some New Lynn Bricks Empty Re: Some New Lynn Bricks

Post  Ev Fri 10 Apr - 11:15

Definitely the work of a Brick Collector Very Happy

There is a Facebook group that has many Brick Collectors Very Happy

Number of posts : 17775
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Some New Lynn Bricks Empty Re: Some New Lynn Bricks

Post  krissiepearse Fri 10 Apr - 11:32

It was suggested to me on facebook by Timespanner that they may well have been acquired from a local salvage yard by the person/contractor that originally used them. That seems plausible.

It's just kind of beautiful that this house, presumably on the edge of what once would have been the Corbans estate, is in some small way linked to a history almost as old as New Zealand itself (or at least, post treaty NZ).

I think I shall keep a few examples of stamped frogs out to one side as I find them. It's a history that can be preserved, and ought to be if there's someone who can do it for whom it brings joy to do so.

And if not, well, I dare say they can gain a bit more history on-site lol.


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2020-04-08

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Some New Lynn Bricks Empty Looking for New Lynn bricks

Post  timflower Tue 4 Jan - 16:29

Hi there,

I'm looking to purchase some New Lynn stamped bricks (or any stamped bricks from West Auckland) to integrate into my house. Would you be open to selling any of the bricks you've lifted? I'm just after a couple.




Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2022-01-04

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Some New Lynn Bricks Empty Re: Some New Lynn Bricks

Post  Nate Thu 10 Feb - 21:53

The bricks are likely from the original crown lynn chimney that was demolished by Nikau demolition (Nikau group). Nikau construction salvaged the bricks and sold them to be repurposed. If you go to 35 Nikau st new lynn you will see a large brick retainer wall made from these bricks. You guessed it, this is the home previously owned by the owner of Nikau demolition


Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2022-02-10

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Some New Lynn Bricks Empty Re: Some New Lynn Bricks

Post  Ev Fri 11 Feb - 6:39

The chimney was from Amalgamated Brick and Pipe which was beside the Crown Lynn factory.
Crown Lynn never made bricks.

Number of posts : 17775
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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