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Catherine Anselmi amazing photos

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Catherine Anselmi amazing photos  Empty Catherine Anselmi amazing photos

Post  Maryr Mon 3 Feb - 17:00

These pics were put on Facebook by Heather McCoy, who worked at the Victoria Park Markets in the late 1980s.  She took photos of Catherine Anselmi's stall because she was very impressed with her work.  Heather has given me permission to put these on the NZ Pottery site.    She believes some were taken in 1987 and some in 1989.
Thank you VERY MUCH Heather!
Edit - note that at this time Catherine Anselmi had a number of artists working for/with her. I recognise artwork by Catherine, by Susan Firth, Pip Taylor, and Angela Thomas. 
Catherine Anselmi amazing photos  Anselm19
Catherine Anselmi amazing photos  Anselm21
Catherine Anselmi amazing photos  Anselm20
Catherine Anselmi amazing photos  Anselm22
Catherine Anselmi amazing photos  Anselm24
Catherine Anselmi amazing photos  Anselm23
Catherine Anselmi amazing photos  Anselm27
Catherine Anselmi amazing photos  Anselm25
Catherine Anselmi amazing photos  Anselm26

Last edited by Maryr on Mon 3 Feb - 18:39; edited 2 times in total

Number of posts : 1983
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Catherine Anselmi amazing photos  Empty Re: Catherine Anselmi amazing photos

Post  Ev Mon 3 Feb - 17:51

Thank you so much Val and Heather as these photos are a true record of Catherine's pottery abilities when she was at the height of her game !!

Number of posts : 17775
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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