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"The Ceramic Surface" an international book with NZ potters

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"The Ceramic Surface" an international book with NZ potters Empty "The Ceramic Surface" an international book with NZ potters

Post  Jeremy Ashford Mon 24 Jul 2017 - 11:17

On Saturday 15th Nicole and I went to Brunswick Street (Melbourne) to check out all things arty and discovered a bookshop where every (new!) book was just $6. I was going to stay outside because I find bookshops a bit demanding but right by the door was this:
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The Ceramic Surface, by Matthias Ostermann, first published 2002

I thought it was just another coffee table book but flicking through I spotted work by Richard Parker so I decided it could actually be a serious work.
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It's my book now! Thinking perhaps Richard was NZ's sole representative I have had a bit more of a flick and found work by Chris Weaver, Royce McGlashen (twice), Andrew and Jeannie van Der Putten (separately), Raewyn Atkinson, Tony Bond, Merilyn Wiseman, Christine Thacker, and Steve Fulmer. Hope I didn't miss anyone.

At that price perhaps I should probably have bought two copies because as pretty as it is it is also very instructive so I'm likely to destroy this one pawing it with grubby hands.
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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