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» Pottery ID please …Yes Royal Oak Margarine
Vanished Delft at the Pah Homestead EmptyWed 29 May - 8:36 by Ev

Vanished Delft at the Pah Homestead

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Vanished Delft at the Pah Homestead Empty Vanished Delft at the Pah Homestead

Post  Ev Thu 11 May - 12:14

Curated by Anna Miles, this exhibition combined an eclectic variety of mediums from across New Zealand.  Mark Goody and Chuck Joseph spoke about their work in detail yesterday and it was well worth the visit to hear them.

Mark Goody and Anna Miles
Vanished Delft at the Pah Homestead Mark_g10

Mantle Dogs made by Mark Goody, plus an English white one ...
Vanished Delft at the Pah Homestead Mark_g11

A massive 35kg Salt Glazed Dog in the style of the Crum mantle dogs made by Mark.
Vanished Delft at the Pah Homestead Mark_g12

Chuck Joseph and Anna Miles discussing Chuck's fabulous mantle pieces.
Vanished Delft at the Pah Homestead Chuck_10

Checking out the details of caterpillars and bugs inspired by Alice through the Looking Glass ...
Vanished Delft at the Pah Homestead Chuck_11

A sublime body of work by Chris Weaver .....
Vanished Delft at the Pah Homestead Chris_13

Number of posts : 17775
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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