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Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm EmptyToday at 7:32 by Ev

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Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm EmptyToday at 7:13 by Ev

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Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm EmptyYesterday at 16:31 by Ev

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Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm EmptySat 1 Jun - 18:17 by Bold90s

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Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm EmptySat 1 Jun - 7:13 by Ev

» Mini Potty was not made by Crown Lynn, so who made them?
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Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm EmptyThu 30 May - 17:29 by sarabeee

» Crown Lynn 6058
Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm EmptyThu 30 May - 16:20 by Bold90s

Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm

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Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm Empty Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm

Post  sarah and Cloud Sun 16 Apr - 11:38

Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm P1100018
Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm P1100023
Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm P1100022
Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm P1100020
Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm P1100021
Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm P1100018
Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm P1100019
My partner who was a crazy NZ pottery collector found these two sea shells in a store the other day and feels like they may be Crown Lynn /Ambrico specials,colonial NZ, possibly because of the feel and glazing of them, I dont know enough to be helpful in that so Im hoping someone here recognizes them or maybe an steer me in the right direction to keep researching, Im not really convinced they are even NZ pottery but he is usually right Smile

sarah and Cloud

Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2017-01-15

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Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm Empty Re: Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm

Post  Ev Sun 16 Apr - 15:00

Sorry Sarah, I have never seen these shells before, so I can't help with id.
The bases of these pieces are very crudely finished which points away from Crown Lynn/Ambrico ware to me.  They appear to have been made by the same pottery.
However I do know that Crown Lynn used those two numbers and 1115 was a Coffee Pot lid and 1116 was a soup bowl and they were made in 1971.

Number of posts : 17782
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm Empty Numbered 1115 and 1116 seashells 100-110mm

Post  sarah and Cloud Mon 17 Apr - 19:38

Thanks Ev for your reply, I agree the numbers do not equate to CL and early work wouldnt be numbered in the 1000s, so time to look overseas Smile

sarah and Cloud

Number of posts : 17
Registration date : 2017-01-15

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