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Sunshine Ceramics NZ - Jody Stevens

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Sunshine Ceramics NZ - Jody Stevens Empty Sunshine Ceramics NZ - Jody Stevens

Post  JanPots 18/11/16, 03:58 pm

I thought this was Sunnyvale but its something else!
Sunshine Ceramics NZ
Google search brings up Nelson.
Sunshine Ceramics NZ - Jody Stevens 2016-113
Sunshine Ceramics NZ - Jody Stevens 20161122

Number of posts : 2123
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Sunshine Ceramics NZ - Jody Stevens Empty Sunshine Ceramics NZ dish

Post  JanPots 15/06/17, 04:23 pm

How's this? I just love the colours and it matches my cup.
So I now have a dish and cup with the sunshine Ceramics backstamp
Sunshine Ceramics NZ - Jody Stevens 20170618
Sunshine Ceramics NZ - Jody Stevens 20170617

Number of posts : 2123
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Sunshine Ceramics NZ - Jody Stevens Empty Sunshine Ceramics

Post  wishnadine 24/09/20, 06:03 pm

I believe these might be pots by Jody Stevens who potted in Coromandel back in the 90's. I have one of her pots and I have another 3 which I believe are hers but they are marked JS. Her Dad is Bryce Stevens who also potted in the Coromandel. I'll double check with a friend who knows them and add some photos later.


Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2020-09-24

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Sunshine Ceramics NZ - Jody Stevens Empty Re: Sunshine Ceramics NZ - Jody Stevens

Post  Ev 25/09/20, 06:57 am

Thank you so much for that information.

We have Bryce Stevens work and mark on the site and would be keen to add Jody's.

Looking forward to seeing more of her work and her mark.

I will add her name to this topic.

Number of posts : 17774
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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