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Chester Nealie book/Wood fire exhibition

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Chester Nealie book/Wood fire exhibition Empty Chester Nealie book/Wood fire exhibition

Post  TonyK Sun 24 Jul - 20:42

I went to this opening on Friday night:

Number of posts : 653
Location : Sydney Australia
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Chester Nealie book/Wood fire exhibition Empty Re: Chester Nealie book/Wood fire exhibition

Post  teaandcoffee Sun 24 Jul - 21:53

That looks like it would have been interesting Tony. What were your impressions of it? I don't know of many New Zealanders who have much of an idea of who and what is going on in terms of studio pottery in Australia.

Coincidentally I found a couple of pieces of John Dermer's domestic ware yesterday here in Hamilton. I'm ashamed to say I had to look up his mark before I was sure about what I was looking at.


Number of posts : 332
Registration date : 2012-04-22

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Chester Nealie book/Wood fire exhibition Empty Re: Chester Nealie book/Wood fire exhibition

Post  TonyK Mon 25 Jul - 5:10

I met John Dermer at the opening - he was introduced to me as one of the world's best potters. I'd never heard of him before that night. The opening was too busy and too crowded to see the pots but there was work there from the same firing I had pieces in.

This site has many Oz potter's marks

Euan Craig suggested that making is universal and transcends nationality. He said he wants to make beautiful things for people he loves. I spoke to him about his blog and my sense was that he loves everybody. We exchanged cards - his is beautiful and in Japanese and mine is dorkinary and free from Vistaprint.

I have seen NZ pottery here usually exhibited with a linking theme - study trip to China, Cornwell etc John and Richard Parker, Paerau Corneal, a wood firer who makes anchor stone themed pieces.

I'll go back to the gallery and look at the work properly during the week.

Last edited by TonyK on Mon 25 Jul - 10:20; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling mistake)

Number of posts : 653
Location : Sydney Australia
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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