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crashy splashy  Empty crashy splashy

Post  Maryr Fri 8 Jul - 16:57

Waaaah. I bought a lovely piwakawaka Splashy mug to give to my daughter who would have loved it. It was even more lovely in real life except that it arrived in six pieces. I told the trader who to his credit is happy to refund but he says he's had a lot of breakages lately, he tries to pack small to keep postage costs down, and goodness me they break. I told him I would prefer to pay more and get my purchase in one piece! George is going to glue it for me but it's not the same. And should I tell my dear daughter who LOVES piwakawakas.
crashy splashy  Tradem10

Number of posts : 1983
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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crashy splashy  Empty Re: crashy splashy

Post  Jeremy Ashford Sat 9 Jul - 22:05

So sad.

Today I opened a parcel that arrived three weeks ago. I hadn't been worried as it was well packed. I wrote the seller to apologise for my delayed response and they told me NZ Post had been particularly brutal lately, so other of their buyers may not have faired so well.

I always query a cheap postage price and offer to spend more for safety.
I'm pleased to hear your seller came to the party.
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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