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for gallery Putauru green bowl vase

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for gallery Putauru green bowl vase Empty for gallery Putauru green bowl vase

Post  Maryr Sat 10 Oct - 17:51

We already have this shape in the gallery, but not this glaze. 8 cm high.   Also the mark says "Hand Ceramics NZ" -  I think that might be new too.
for gallery Putauru green bowl vase Putaru10for gallery Putauru green bowl vase Putaru11

Number of posts : 1983
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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for gallery Putauru green bowl vase Empty Many marks for Putaruru Hand Ceramics

Post  Jeremy Ashford Sun 11 Oct - 12:06

Often the marks just appears as blocks, with the letters obscured by the glaze.
Fortunately as Putaruru work has become more easily identifiable from forum postings that is usually enough.

I was thinking this example looked pretty clear then noticed that Ev came up with an even clearer mark for Putaruru for the gallery.

I do note that they are two different marks though:
Ev's has "Putaruru" and Val's has "NZ".

That makes three now including the now-confirmed H-in-C mark.

I was just looking for my Putaruru shoe which has an obvious but unreadable mark, yet to find, and saw that my nudie mug has another variant. (4)
for gallery Putauru green bowl vase Nude10

And different again for my left hand mug. (5)
for gallery Putauru green bowl vase Putaru12

And just noticed it has appeared in the gallery as I write!

Another, clearer example from Anne appears to match the one on my nudie mug.
for gallery Putauru green bowl vase Dsc04915

Why "8"?

(Still looking for the shoe.)
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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for gallery Putauru green bowl vase Empty Re: for gallery Putauru green bowl vase

Post  Maryr Sun 11 Oct - 22:15

I have two boots. Both are marked "hand ceramics putaruru" with each word on a separate line. The same as the mark which is second from the left on the top line of the putaruru gallery.... if that makes sense.

Number of posts : 1983
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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