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Tui Morse

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Tui Morse Empty Tui Morse

Post  richierich Sat 29 Aug - 11:09

A number of years back (2004?) I purchased a small Tui Morse box from a NZ arts and craft type gift shop that used to be at the bottom of Queen Street, Auckland City.  It was a present for my mother.  She likes it so much that she wants to get another as a gift for someone.  Does anyone know of any shops, studios, galleries etc where we might be able to view/purchase something like this?

I would attach a picture but as a new member the forum won't allow it.  There's a picture of something similar on the Auckland Studio Potters 50 years old blog (about halfway down the page on the lefthand side).  



Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2015-08-29

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Tui Morse Empty Re: Tui Morse

Post  Ev Sat 29 Aug - 11:55

Last time I saw Tui she was still making beautiful pottery. You could try giving her a ring to see if she has any. A friend got one from the Antique Fair last weekend.

Number of posts : 17775
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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