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Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  EmptyToday at 19:09 by Ev

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Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  EmptyToday at 18:17 by Bold90s

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Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  EmptyToday at 16:21 by Ev

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Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  EmptyToday at 7:13 by Ev

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Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  EmptyYesterday at 10:59 by Ev

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Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  EmptyThu 30 May 2024 - 17:29 by sarabeee

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Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  EmptyThu 30 May 2024 - 16:20 by Bold90s

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Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  EmptyThu 30 May 2024 - 16:07 by Ev

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Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  EmptyWed 29 May 2024 - 8:36 by Ev

Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?

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Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  Empty Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?

Post  Maryr Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 13:01

Ev a suggestion - do you think we need a separate section for Hobby Ceramics - and possibly a gallery, though I am not sure we have enough info yet to be able to accurately define what is and what is not Hobby...

Incidentally this post is driving me nuts - I keep getting links where I don't want them.  But I have given up trying to fix it.

This site is interesting: Arnel's vintage moulds.

Anyway here are some Chinese figurines, which I am inclined to think are all Hobby but who knows!  Jim believes that his late wife bought his from a shop - as I understand it, some suppliers (including Orzel/Aquila) did decorate and sell some Hobby shapes.

Here is Jeremy's Chinese man (which is already on the site elsewhere):
[/url]Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  China_10

Jim's green figurine. This one has an imprint on the base (looks like Arnels) which appears to be a Hobby Ceramics supplier.  About 20cm tall.

Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  Jim_ch10
Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  China_11

This is Jim's taller figurine, closer to 30 cm from memory. Unmarked but the base looks quite Hobby-like.
Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  China_12
Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  China_13

And this is mine, which looks more professional but is still lightweight.  The base has a piece of felt very firmly glued onto it so I have not investigated. It is 21 cm tall.
Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  China_14

Number of posts : 1983
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  Empty Re: Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?

Post  Jeremy Ashford Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 13:42

I didn't measure Jim's taller one (silly not to as he had a tape available) but assumed it was same as mine, even if the figure is a bit different.

Mine is 350mm H to topknot on hat. Seems even bigger!
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  Empty Re: Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?

Post  Ev Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 15:33

I've seen those characters on this site that supplies bisque ware in South Auckland somewhere hobby ceramic supplies
They also make many familiar pieces if you have time to check them out.
I've been meaning to make a topic about them, as it sure impacts on collectors of NZ pottery.

Number of posts : 17775
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  Empty Re: Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?

Post  teaandcoffee Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 18:48

Looks like that is where the stray Titian waka are from, including a number of other familiar shapes. See the top picture:


Number of posts : 332
Registration date : 2012-04-22

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Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  Empty Re: Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?

Post  Ev Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 19:34

Conch shell
Titian gurgle fish
Kowhai Vase
Ribbed Sided 2 handle vase
A very familiar vase
Wave Vase .... oh dear!

and that's just the vases .....!


Number of posts : 17775
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  Empty Re: Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?

Post  Maryr Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 19:53

Ev that looks like THE site to explain so many of these oddly glazed items. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

Number of posts : 1983
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  Empty Re: Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?

Post  Jeremy Ashford Mon 8 Sep 2014 - 20:01

I'm pretty sure this one is a Kiln Craft mug:
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?  Empty Re: Chinese figurines - more Hobby Ceramics?

Post  Maryr Sat 15 Oct 2016 - 15:38

I have  been checking these links. None of them now link to the items described on this site.  Interesting. I think, but i can't be sure, that some or all of these items as described above are no longer available from the greenware suppliers.

Number of posts : 1983
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2011-11-17

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