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Hand Ceramics Candle Holder

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Hand Ceramics Candle Holder Empty Hand Ceramics Candle Holder

Post  mumof1 05/08/14, 07:32 am

Hand Ceramics Candle Holder Dsc02410
I have been meaning to post this for some time. The stamp is not so clear, but with a loupe I can see the name clearer
Hand Ceramics Candle Holder Dsc02411
You will probably recognise the shape of the stamp anyway

Number of posts : 2360
Location : Mapua, Nelson
Registration date : 2011-03-21

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Hand Ceramics Candle Holder Empty Re: Hand Ceramics Candle Holder

Post  JanPots 10/06/20, 01:43 pm

I have one ... somewhere lol...
I'll try and locate it.

Number of posts : 2123
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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