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Wildlife British

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Wildlife British Empty Wildlife British

Post  Ev Sun 24 Mar - 13:09

Found this rather old plate on Trademe for $5 Twisted Evil
It's been well used and has some imperfections which adds to it's charm -

Wildlife British Wildli10

Wildlife British Wildli12

Number of posts : 17775
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Wildlife British Empty Wild Life saucer

Post  Kat & Co. Wed 4 Jun - 14:38

Differnt birds (partridge?) & a slighly differnt backstamp  Cool 
Wildlife British Wildli10
Wildlife British Wildli12
Kat & Co.
Kat & Co.

Number of posts : 2314
Location : Whangarei
Registration date : 2012-12-03

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Wildlife British Empty Re: Wildlife British

Post  Ev Wed 4 Jun - 14:43

I've never noticed this backstamp was on different bird patterns before scratch
Thanks cat

Number of posts : 17775
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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Wildlife British Empty Wildlife on Teal colourglaze

Post  JanPots Mon 15 Sep - 12:26

Another variation of "Wildlife"
Wildlife British 01210
Wildlife British 01310

Number of posts : 2123
Registration date : 2012-05-10

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Wildlife British Empty more wildlife, a bit different

Post  Jeremy Ashford Sun 7 Jun - 13:42

The same birds as Kat's saucer but this 780/805 duo has a pale grey band on the edge of saucer and inside top of cup. (I couldn't see it on Kat's one.)
Seen better in lower pictures.
Wildlife British Wildli10
I think the transfer was torn when it was put on. O/wise good condition.

The cup base has neither impressed not raised New Zealand marks so I think this must be early 1960s. There is also an impressed "7". (no photo)

From a quick google search the patterning on the birds looks like red-legged partridge.
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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