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A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! EmptyToday at 18:17 by Bold90s

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A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! EmptyToday at 16:21 by Ev

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A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! EmptyToday at 7:13 by Ev

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A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! EmptyYesterday at 10:59 by Ev

» Gillian Pope
A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! EmptyThu 30 May - 17:29 by sarabeee

» Crown Lynn 6058
A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! EmptyThu 30 May - 16:20 by Bold90s

» Crown Lynn Titian 1322
A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! EmptyThu 30 May - 16:07 by Ev

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A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! EmptyWed 29 May - 8:36 by Ev

» Ian Firth Bottle
A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! EmptyWed 29 May - 8:18 by Jen gay

A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!!

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A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! Empty A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!!

Post  Ev Wed 5 Dec - 15:51

Photo courtesy of hon-john -
A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! Ginger10
A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! Ginger10

I've asked John if he can supply the small print under Manufactured by Tim Products...

Last edited by Ev on Sun 18 Jan - 12:34; edited 1 time in total

Number of posts : 17774
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! Empty Re: A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!!

Post  TonyK Wed 5 Dec - 17:48

And here was me thinking these jars had never been anywhere near any actual ginger! Living and learning.

Number of posts : 653
Location : Sydney Australia
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! Empty Re: A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!!

Post  Ev Wed 12 Dec - 7:27

Christmas came early this year ........ santa
John surprised me by sending me this ginger jar :ho ho ho:
Thank you so much John :honjohn:
Now I can read the rest of the sticker, which says -
Manufactured by
The Parade - Island Bay - Wellington

John said that it came from an estate from a collector in Hawera, who had passed away 15 years ago and the family were finally auctioning off his collection.

Number of posts : 17774
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! Empty Re: A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!!

Post  bopmum Thu 15 Aug - 13:18

I found this ginger jar this week,  Still has cork sealed in place and the ginger in still rattling around inside.  Although the label is quite eligible what i can see of it, its different to yours Ev.
A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! Ginger10
A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! Ginger11
A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! Ginger12

Last edited by bopmum on Thu 15 Aug - 13:18; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling)

Number of posts : 180
Location : Tauranga
Registration date : 2013-07-28

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A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! Empty Re: A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!!

Post  Ev Thu 15 Aug - 13:55

Wow ..... real ginger and a cork ???? Marvellous!!!
Yes your sticker has like a Chinese temple and the word Quality .....
Thanks heaps for sharing that with us Very Happy

Number of posts : 17774
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! Empty Re: A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!!

Post  Jeremy Ashford Sun 18 Jan - 12:21

There's a photo missing here.
Jeremy Ashford
Jeremy Ashford

Number of posts : 3193
Location : Whangarei, New Zealand
Registration date : 2010-09-11

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A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!! Empty Re: A ginger jar with the Kienhua sticker still on it !!!!

Post  Ev Sun 18 Jan - 12:36

The photo has been replaced.
So many of my old photos don't show even though the link is still there!!!

Number of posts : 17774
Location : Sth Auckland New Zealand
Interests: : NZ Studio Pottery and NZ Pottery History
Registration date : 2008-08-28

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